Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A drawing to show how I'm feeling right now...

Dear Diary~

I decided to draw some vent art because I was so upset... so here it is...

Yes I added the symbol that The Narrator said was for me to the shadow on purpose. Even in this house I feel watched at times... and I know that a part of it probably isn't even just paranoia... and god how I miss Drake... I've been crying all day...

Bernard Laguardia


  1. Keep strong kid. Staying strong will get you through this.

    - DJ

    1. I agree, just...
      Even when it's dark,
      find something light
      and hold onto it.

      Keep it close.
      Happy memories.
      More drawings.
      Listening to
      Johnny cash.

      Anything that keeps
      your mind on that
      right path you have
      set for yourself.

      Keep safe Bernard.

  2. Y0u 6r3 n0t y0ur 0wn. D0 y0u 3nj0y ridd135?

  3. Hehehe you know, I have a trick that could help you stop crying...
